Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance is the process of listening deeply together for the presence and movement of God in one’s life. The description of contemplation that I most love is: “A long, loving look at the real.” My own spiritual life contains a yearning to know the Holy in the real and ordinary moments, people, and experiences before me each day. I believe that spiritual guidance is a companionship whose intention is the deepening of this kind of daily living. God is the true guide and we pray together for openness to God’s direction and presence.

Joan Chittister writes:

“The purpose of spirituality is to gather equally committed adults for a journey through earthen darkness to the dazzling light that already flames in each of us, but in a hidden place left for each of us to find.”

These words could also easily describe spiritual guidance.  Spiritual guidance is a space set aside to be open to what God has to reveal to us with comfort and consolation, with challenge and growth.

As a certified spiritual director trained through the RUAH School of Spiritual Guidance at Richmond Hill and a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI), I am committed to following ethical guidelines as described by SDI. This link allows you to read these guidelines. 

I continue my own spiritual growth by working with a spiritual director, maintaining personal spiritual practices and through participation in a spiritual community. In addition I participate in a peer supervision group that meets regularly to practice transparency, develop my skills, and further my growth as a spiritual companion. 

I have felt graced by remarkable companions and experiences throughout my life that have marked and shaped the course of my life and spirituality. I continue to live with the creative tension of an activism which wants to do good in the world, to pursue justice, to live in proximity to those pushed to the margins, to encounter God in the people who come into my life as well as an interior life that experiences God in more quiet, hidden ways; in the beauty of nature, in silence and solitude.

I am married, the mother of three now-adult children and a delighted grandmother.  I have long tended an urban organic vegetable and pollinator garden around our home.  I enjoy making meals from that homegrown produce, singing, writing poetry and prose, practicing yoga and painting with watercolors.

In offering spiritual guidance, I can meet with individuals here at Still Place or at another agreed upon location.  It is also possible to meet via Zoom.  I prefer at least one face-to-face meeting to help determine if we wish to pursue spiritual companionship together. The details of location, frequency, fees and other details can be decided with one another at a preliminary meeting.